Resonances to the Grail Message 2

by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

14. Easter 1935

Today you are expecting joyful news from me, since it is Easter, the feast of resurrection, which is being celebrated!

Though the zones of the earth with which we are familiar are preparing themselves, with their age old faithfulness by offering to the inhabitants new vitality, by providing new nourishment, raising hope and even fulfilling wishes, as they have always done, willingly swinging in all of the Laws of God, this time nevertheless, humanity will not be blessed with God's Grace as in the past, for the wrath of God is upon them in Judgment.

Today is that Easter which has to lead humanity of this earth to the deep sorrow of Good Friday in the just balancing of eternal laws!

Mankind, you have not paid attention to the calls from the Light! Only in the willing acceptance of and adherence to the Holy Word of God could you have saved yourselves in time! As always you only mocked it, laughed and scoffed at it, now accept the reward!

You will learn to pay heed to God’s calls, to observe them gratefully, to obey your Creator! For there is no other path available to you, except for the fall into dissolution, into eternal death!

This is the only choice remaining for you which you must make. However, if you still want to live in obedience then you must have the sincere volition for this and ask for it in purest humility, otherwise it will not be granted to you any longer. for too long have you frivolously or even maliciously toyed with the most precious treasure that God has given you on loan.

The greatest amount of effort is now demanded of your volition! Even as the Darkness moved over Golgotha when Jesus, the Living Light, departed from this earth, so is it now moving over all of mankind, balancing and returning to them the great suffering they inflicted upon the Love of God in the cruel way of the cunning intellect, which is utterly incapable of any intuitive vibrations, and which, as Lucifer’s most powerful tool, was sacred to you!

Now try if you can, you human beings, to protect yourselves with your intellect against God’s All-Holy Wrath! Defend yourselves against the Omnipotence of Him Who graciously left to your use that part of Creation which you have devastated and defiled like a stable of the most depraved animals, so that only suffering and misery can still dwell therein, because all peace and joy flee before your wrong actions and dark volition, and all purity conceals itself in horror.

Try to hide from God’s inflexible Justice! It strikes you everywhere in the inexorable execution of Divine Will, without remitting anything of the enormous guilt with which you have laden yourselves in your self-willed obstinacy.

You are judged even before you are able to stammer a single word of excuse, and all petitioning, all supplicating, all blaspheming or cursing avails you nothing; for now you have unpardonably wasted the last respite for soul searching and turning around merely on fostering your vices!

This is what the Easter that we celebrate today holds! I do not tell you this as a warning; because it is too late for that. Far be it from me to continue to admonish you as I have done for years. You are only to think of it in the coming experiences! For this reason I state once more what this time has in store for you. Perhaps the knowledge of it will help to alleviate some of the suffering, although it can no longer prevent anything.

You know it is the clearing of the great debt with which you have voluntarily burdened yourselves, since nobody has forced you to do this. If through my words you can come to recognition in the suffering, and if thereby a yearning for Light and for Purity arises within you and forms a humble petition, you may still be granted salvation as you are sinking; for God’s Love is ever watchful, and these last Words of mine about this have not been in vain if only one among the falling ones thinks of it in time and in humility.

Therefore this is the best I can give to you for this feast of Easter!

A true Easter will blossom for you only after the Judgment of the Lord is over. Then I will speak to you again and tell you of the new life, which the Lord will grant only to those who willingly swing in the sacred Laws of His Creation, to those who will keep His Mansion, in which you are but guests, free from all activities that are hostile to the Light, and who will not again wantonly devastate the beautiful gardens in whose splendor and purity they shall rejoice evermore in order to grow strong therein!

Oh, you who are blinded, why will you not awaken! You could have been spared so much hardship. I could have brought you joyful news. But as it is, your existence must be shrouded in gray veils of deep sorrow, from which liberation and redemption can once more be granted to you only through the piercing bolts of lighting of the Holy Wrath of God!

And this Wrath will fall upon you with unsuspected might in the Holy Judgment!

However, the Judgment is different from your conception of it. You know of a Book of Life which will be opened by the Judge of God at the appointed hour for each one!

The Book of Life shows the names of all creatures that have come to life, and nothing else.

The inscribed pages belonging to the great Book of Life however, which show the pros and cons of every single thought and every single deed of the individual, are the souls themselves, upon whom has been imprinted all that they have experienced or done in the course of their existence.

The Judge can clearly read therein all the pros and cons. But again you also have a wrong idea about the reading. This too is much simpler than you try to imagine.

The Judge does not order each soul to step separately before Him, before His Judgment Seat, but in the Name of God He sends the blows of His sword into the Universe! The blows of the sword are radiations, which go forth and strike everything in Creation!

Recognize the great simplicity and amazing naturalness! The Judge does not send the rays consciously or intentionally to this one or that one; no, He simply sends them out at God’s Holy Command; for it is the Power of God, nothing else but His All-Holy Will could work in this way!

Thus the blows of radiation, or the radiations, penetrate all of Creation, however, with a force as has never before.

Nothing can hide from the effect! And thus, in the Law of the Working of Creation, the Ray of Divine Power strikes every soul at the appointed hour.

When the Divine Ray, which is not even visible to the human soul, falls upon it, everything that still clings to it must come alive and become manifest and active, thereby closing the final cycle, which either presses the soul down or raises it up.

Whatever wrong or evil such a soul has already been able to shed in the course of its existence, through redemptive experiences in accordance with the Laws of Creation, is obliterated in such a way as if it had never been; thus it no longer clings to the soul and is no longer imprinted upon it. The soul is freed from it and pure, and therefore can suffer no harm from it.

Only that which has not yet come to the closing of its cycle, and therefore still clings to and is connected with the soul, is driven forthwith to the closing of its cycle in the pressure of the Light, in that as it comes to life and reveals itself as it attempts to become active, it in so doing also receives the blow it deserves.

The actual blows depend entirely on the strength of the individual volition which, being released in the reciprocal action, is directed against the soul as the point of origin! Everything, be it good or evil, is now strengthened by the irresistible pressure of the Light and thrust back to the starting-point, to the soul.

And everything which otherwise, in the labored movement of the dense, solidified environment of all the human souls on earth, might still have required many thousands of years to close its cycle, is now compressed into a few months owing to the increased driving movement caused by the power of the blows from the Light, unexpected by mankind .

Such is the manifestation of the World Judgment in its simple naturalness! This time it is the “Last Judgment”, so often proclaimed to you! But its manifestations are entirely different from what you thought. Former proclamations were given to you in pictures, because otherwise you would not have understood them at all.

By means of the Grail Message, however, your knowledge of the working in Creation is expanded, and therefore more and more can be revealed to you; for today you are already able to understand it through my Message.

The sword-thrusts of the Judgment-Day strike as Light-radiations of the Holy Wrath of God into Creation, and flow through all the channels that have already been formed through the automatic working of the Divine Laws in Creation, and which are based on all the intuitive perceptions, thoughts, volition and actions of men as points of origin.

The judging rays are therefore guided with infallible certainty through these existing channels to all souls, which they then impact in accordance with the condition of the respective souls in such an accelerated way however, that their entire existence is brought to the final closing of the cycle of all past activities within a few months; and in exact accordance with their actual condition these souls will be uplifted or cast down, invigorated and strengthened or destroyed!

Such is the Judgment! Today you are able through the Message to understand the process thus described.

Formerly you could not have grasped it, and therefore everything had to be revealed in simple pictures which correspond more or less to the operation of the process.

And these blows of the Last Judgment have been dealt! They are already on their way to you, to everyone one in Creation, no matter whether he is with or without his physical body.

The first blows have already reached you, and everything that still clings to your souls is revived.

But also the final blows, bringing destruction or upliftment, have been flung out with an all-overwhelming severity to complete the purification upon this earth!

Already they are rushing towards mankind, and nothing can check them anywhere. At the exact hour appointed by God, mankind will be inexorably but justly struck by them!

The last from the Will of God in the Judgment has been fulfilled therewith! Pray, you men, so that you will not have to be lost therein!

Blessed are you that you can become knowing; for thereby you also receive surety on your paths through the Creations, you know the way and the goal exactly! That will give you strength, joy, peace and at the same time protection and even higher volition for the good!

Holy power of God be with you who wish to pursue the right path in gratitude!


Resonances to the Grail Message by Abdrushin


[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
