Resonances to the Grail Message 2

by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

23. The intimate home

A thousand-fold are the entanglements in which men squirm with apparent ease. Only those who feel God’s law of spiritual movement within themselves, and who long for awakening, experience these fetters in an extremely painful manner, because they only hurt when the one so entangled tries to free himself from them.

And yet this struggle to free himself is the only thing that can save man from sinking into a spiritual sleep of death!

Today you will hardly grasp aright the full incisive truth of these my words, because mankind restricted themselves too tightly in these matters, leaving themselves hardly any possibility for a free outlook from this state, or a full understanding of it.

For this reason the bonds are now cut by the Justice of God, smashed to pieces, although this is bound to be very painful for men, excruciatingly so when there is no alternative. Only after the bonds and constrictions have been cut and have fallen away will you then be able to grasp my words aright, looking back in horror at your past wrong thinking!

Nevertheless, from among the many examples, I want to pick out a few small ones which may perhaps give you some idea if you already have truly internalized the Message; because without It, even the most minute understanding would be utterly impossible for you. It is only through the Message that you are now able to properly understand everything you encounter and that concerns you.

Let us cast a glance into human life as it is today:

It is right to guide children through their childhood faithfully, guarding and watching them, and to give adolescent youth the tools for their path through life on earth by means of an appropriate education.

But then each individual must be left with, indeed he must be given the possibility to work his own way up from the smallest beginning. Not everything must be made easy for him from the very outset! And it must be the task of the leadership of a state to offer such possibilities.

In making things convenient or easy there lies the greatest danger of promoting spiritual indolence! And up until now this has always been the case in the well-intentioned sense of family.

It is already poison for a human spirit if as a child he is brought up in the belief that he has a legal right to the earthly possessions acquired by his parents.

I am speaking here of harm from a purely spiritual perspective, which is the essential thing in all of man’s activities. He must remain aware of this in the future if he and his surrounding circumstances are to become really healthy.

A change in these matters would immediately transform much in an earthly respect as well, and it would do away with many an evil. For example, supposing that by law a child was entitled only to enjoy the protection and care of his parents, together with an appropriate education up to a certain age, after which, however, it remains purely up to the free will of the parents how they wish to dispose of their personal property.

How different would so many children turn out to be by this mere fact alone! How much more personal effort would then have to be made, how much more seriousness for life on earth, how much more diligence. And last but not least more love towards the parents would also be shown and could not remain nearly as one-sided as is often exhibited today.

Sacrifices on the part of loving parents would even be given much greater value, because they would then really issue only from freely bestowed love, whereas nowadays such sacrifices are often not valued by children at all, but are only expected and demanded and taken for granted, without being cable to arouse any real joy.

A change in these matters would contribute right away to raising more valuable human beings with greater self-confidence, a stronger spirit and higher energy.

Many crimes would also be avoided in the absence of rights of ownership in the personal property of others.

Children will be more concerned with acquiring their parents’ love instead of insisting on their status and rights as a child, which in any case has an entirely different meaning from what it is assumed to be today, for children must be thankful to their parents for having given them the opportunity to incarnate on earth, even though redemption and advancement thereby are mutual, as is the case with everything connected with the effects of the Laws of God.

In reality these children are all spirits that are alien to their parents in any case, each with its own individual personality, which could only be attracted for incarnation through their homogeneity or through some former connection, as you know from the Message.

The parents on earth offer protection and help for the time which the spirit needs in order to lead its new physical body in a complete and fully responsible manner; thereafter, however, man on earth must remain completely free and self-reliant, otherwise he can never become as strong as is useful for him in the great swinging of the Laws of God. He must do battle and have resistances so that in gaining victory he can ascend spiritually toward the Heights.

A change in the idea held up till now regarding children’s entitlement to their parents’ possessions, however, would have far greater effects than those already mentioned, provided that governments working constructively for the people would adjust themselves accordingly and pioneer the way to help parents and children alike.

Thus the acquisitive sense of each individual also must develop on a different basis. Today many people seek to increase their possessions more and more, merely to make life easier for their children, i.e., in order to bequeath it to their children. Their thoughts and desires are exclusively directed to this aim, which becomes the basis for an egoistic accumulation of earthly possessions.

Although this will not cease entirely because this or that person will still base his whole life’s activity on this idea, but many people would set higher and more general goals for their earthly activity for the benefit of many.

Thus the immoral marriage scheming would cease to exist, along with the fraudulent and deplorable practice of dowry chasing! Much evil would therewith be automatically eliminated, giving way to healthier conditions in which honesty of intuitive perception prevails and marriages become genuine. From the very beginning there would be a much more serious approach to marriage.

Opportunities should be offered to adolescent youth which would compel them rather than only enable them to unfold their spiritual powers in order to acquire the necessities of life! This alone would be the right thing; for then, and only then, will they advance spiritually, because they will have to bestir themselves spiritually.

But instead of this, parents or other members of the family make just this path, which is necessary for the children’s spiritual health, too easy and as convenient as possible for so many of them. This is then called sense of family and love, or also family duty.

I do not wish to list the damages arising from this, even with the best volition; for every good person to become strong needs an impetus and force from outside here and there. Only seldom would he place himself voluntarily in a position where he is forced to exert himself, to employ all his spiritual powers, in order to master a situation and solve it well. In most cases, provided he can choose, he would select the most comfortable way in order to have it easy, but this does not bring him any spiritual benefit.

However, his self-respect and self-confidence are increased when he himself with steady toil and diligence strives upwards in an earthly sense and when all this is a result of his work.

He then values his possessions, he values the work and even the smallest joy much more in the right sense; he also values any favor done him by others appropriately, and he can enjoy everything with much greater vitality than a person who effortlessly receives much thrown into his lap, and who only needs to fill in his time by amusing himself.

One must seek to support a person’s ability to strive right if one wishes to offer real help. Without specific duties in return one must never throw into another’s lap those fruits acquired by someone else’s effort.

Of course, parents can still give everything to their children if they wish to, or they may, out of false love, sacrifice the meaning and time of their entire life on earth to them, they can make themselves slaves of their children, for they retain their free will in these matters, however, since no earthly law will force them to do so, in the reciprocal effect of the Will of God, they bear the full responsibility entirely alone for their own neglect in Creation, and in part also for the spiritual harm that befalls their children as a consequence.

Men are not here on earth primarily for their children, but for themselves, so that they can become spiritually mature and strong. But due to a false idea of love this is no longer being observed. Only animals still live in the law in this matter!

Take a close look at family customs:

Two persons wish to enter into marriage, they wish to set up a household of their own in order to journey through life on earth together, and for this purpose they become engaged.

The engagement is therefore the first step towards marriage. It is the mutual promise and commitment, so that on the strength of the promise serious preparations for the setting up of a household can begin.

An engagement is nothing other than the earthly basis for the establishment of the new home, and the first step towards procuring everything necessary for this on earth.

With this, however, again wrong customs set in immediately.

In reality this engagement concerns those two persons alone who wish to set up a household together. The fact that the families or the parents take part in procuring all that is necessary for this on earth is a matter entirely by itself, which should remain a purely external affair in order to be correct. They may contribute by giving presents or help in some other way, if they so wish. All this remains an outward matter, and it does not connect them, does not tie any threads of fate.

The engagement, however, should be absolutely the last and outermost boundary for any family ties. Just as a ripe fruit falls from the tree; if tree and fruit wish to fulfill the purpose of their existence without harming one another, so must a person, after his maturity, separate from his family, from his parents, for they, like he, also still have tasks of their own!

However, families look at it differently, even at the last point in time, i.e. when two persons find each other and become engaged. In these matters they very often assume rights which they do not possess at all.

Each child is given to them through the Power of God alone, for they wished for it; or they would not have been able to receive it. It is merely the fulfillment of a wish manifesting in the intimate union of two people!

They have no right to the child, which is only lent to them but which never belongs to them! Indeed it is taken away from them without their being able to hold on to it, or first being asked about it! From this they can quite clearly see that they are not given any rights over it from the Light, from the Origin of all Life.

The fact that they also take on duties up to the time of maturity is only natural and a balancing for fulfillment of their wish, for they would not have received a child if they had not brought about the opportunity for this, which in the Primordial Laws of this Creation is equivalent to a petition. And as compensation for the duties they have enjoyment, provided they fulfill these duties aright.

After the time of maturity, however, they must leave each person to journey along his paths, which are not theirs.

In any case, through engagement and marriage the two persons step outside of their families in order to form a union together for their own household. Instead of this, however, the two families imagine that they too became connected through this engagement and marriage and that they are now part of it, although when considered objectively, this is not at all the case, and the mere thought of it seems very strange.

An engagement of two people does not extend the family circles by bringing a daughter into one and a son into the other, rather, the two individual human beings unite together entirely on their own, having no intention whatever of dragging their former families along.

If people had but a faint idea of the harm these peculiar opinions and customs are bound to cause, they might refrain from them of their own accord; they, however, do not realize how much damage is caused thereby.

The wrong customs are not practiced without creating ties in the World of Fine Gross Matter. Threads thereby wind themselves around the couple preparing to set up a home of their own, and these threads gradually impede, entangle and become ever more knotted, often leading to unpleasant things, the origin of which people cannot explain, although they themselves laid the foundation for this with their ludicrous and annoying customs, in which the deep earnestness of the reality is always lacking.

It may be said without exaggeration that it is always lacking, for he who really grasps the seriousness of the union between two people, the seriousness that is attached to engagement and marriage, will utterly reject the usual family customs and prefer to hold quiet hours of contemplation which will lead to far greater assurance of a happy life together than all external bad customs; for it is not possible to call them good customs.

After the engagement, circumstances permitting, a home is set up for the couple as well as possible which, from the very start, leaves little to be desired and is therefore bound to preclude, at least for a long time, a joyful ascent from the very outset, because everything was thought of and nothing is lacking.

All possibility is taken from the couple to participate in adorning their home through personal acquisition through diligence and hard work, to take pleasure in the fact that they jointly strive towards the gradual completion of their own home as an earthly goal, so that with pride and love they can then value each individual, self-earned piece, connected as it is with memories of many a loving word, of many a necessary struggle which they have fought through joyfully and courageously side by side, as well as of many a peaceful moments of peaceful happiness!

This joy is taken from many already right in the beginning and it is ‘seen to’ that things are made as comfortable as possible. However, the two persons will always be strangers there as long as they do not have objects which they were able to acquire for themselves among the other things.

I do not need to say much more to you about this, for whether you like it or not, you yourselves will gradually recognize what is false in these matters and, above all, what is harmful in the spiritual as well as in the earthly sense, for in this too, everything must at last become new and right, as it lies clearly enough in the Laws of God.

Give people and young couples the possibility for personal upward striving; only that will give them lasting joy because it increases their self-respect and also their self-confidence, thus awakening the intuitive perception of personal responsibility; with this you will do the right thing! You will give more in this way than by taking all the cares of life from them or by at least seeking to relieve them as much as possible, whereby you can only weaken them, and keep them from gaining the necessary strength.

This makes you their enemies and not the true friends that you want to be. By spoiling them and making things easy for them you deprive them of more than you may think after my words today.

Many people will even be painfully affected thereby, but I am pulling them back from a mass grave by freeing them from the wrong and corrupting sense of family, which paralyses the spirit and which developed gradually, based on entirely wrong assumptions.

In this too, everything must finally become new, for after the purification such sources of disturbance will be impossible in this Creation.

Resonances to the Grail Message by Abdrushin


[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
