In the Light of Truth

Grail Message by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

60. The Son of Man

Ever since the crime committed against the Son of God, the Bringer of Truth, Jesus of Nazareth, the fact that men did not recognize the most significant prophecy for mankind made by the greatest of all prophets, has weighed upon mankind like a curse, and even today they stand before it unwittingly as if wearing a dense blindfold. The terrible consequence of this will be that a great part of mankind will stumble towards destruction, past the only possibility of rescue from being cast away.

This is the prophecy of the Coming of the Son of Man, which the Son of God, under the constant attacks upon Him by the masses who, standing in the Darkness, naturally hated the Bringer of Truth, held out as a star of hope and also as a serious warning. The same wave of erring feelings and thoughts, which prevented the recognition of the Son of God as such, also confused the ability to understand the importance of this prophecy even at the time it was made. The human spirit was too dark and far too conceited to still be able to receive such high Divine Messages undimmed. Messages coming from a height above their own sphere of origin passed them by without leaving any impression. A real understanding of this Message would have required a belief based on conscious conviction, which not even His followers were capable of at the time. The soil upon which the words of the Redeemer fell still remained much too wildly overgrown. Furthermore, the momentous, deeply moving emotional upheavals of life in the Savior’s environment were compressed into only a few years,whereby all their feelings were bound to be concentrated on the Person of Jesus, so that when He spoke of another Person in the distant future it was not regarded as such but was again interwoven with Him personally.

Thus the error has lived on in the views of men until the present day, because the unbelievers did not bother themselves about the Savior’s words, while the believers, just because of their belief, forcibly suppressed every serious criticism of the transmissions out of holy awe and concern that they must not offend these words of the Savior. But in doing so they overlooked the fact that they were not His own real and original words, but merely transmissions, written down long after His life on earth. Thus the words were naturally subject to unconscious modifications through the human intellect and personal opinions. Surely there is a certain greatness in this reverential upholding of purely human transmissions, and therefore no reproach shall be made.

All this, however, does not prevent the hampering consequences of erroneous beliefs which have arisen through faulty transmissions, because the Laws of Reciprocal Action cannot be overthrown even in this case. Even if the only effect of such errors is to raise bars which obstruct the human spirit in its further ascent, this still constitutes a fateful standstill and lack of progress as long as the liberating Word of Enlightenment cannot come to life within them.

He who believes in the Son of God and in His words and has made them come to life within himself, that is he carries them within him in their correct interpretation and acts accordingly, naturally need not wait for the promised Son of Man for the Son of Man has nothing to bring other than what the Son of God has already brought. It is a condition, however, that such a person has really understood the words of the Son of God, and does not stubbornly cling to erroneous transmissions. If he has bound himself to errors somewhere he will not be able to complete his ascent until he has received the enlightenment which was reserved for the Son of Man to bring because the limited human spirit is unable to free itself from the dense undergrowth which now obscures the Truth.

Jesus spoke of the Coming of the Son of Man as the last possibility of salvation, and also pointed out that with His Coming the Judgment would commence and that those who are still not willing, in other words, who, because of their own stubbornness or indolence, are not ready to accept enlightenment, would be irretrievably cast out. This leads to the conclusion that there will be no further opportunity for consideration and decision. It is also unmistakably an announcement of great tribulations to come which will bring to an end a period of patient forbearance. This in turn attests to the impending struggle of the Light against all darkness, which must end with the forced destruction of all darkness.

It is not to be assumed that all these events will coincide with human expectations, wishes and conceptions, because all past happenings indicate to the contrary. Never as yet have human ideas agreed with the manifestations of the Divine Will. Reality was always different than the ideas of men, and only long afterwards did the recognition of what had happened dawn on them. Nor is there any hope that it will be different this time, because human ideas and views have gained nothing in comparison with former times. On the contrary they have become even much more “realistic.”

The Son of Man! A veil is still shrouding Him and His time. While a vague sense of anticipation awakens in many a spirit, a longing for the Day of His Coming, many of those who feel this longing will probably pass Him by unawares and will not wish to know Him, because their expectations made them believe in a different kind of fulfillment. It is only with great difficulty that man can get used to the idea that, in obedience to the Law of God, a Divine Being on earth cannot differ outwardly from human beings themselves. Man insists on picturing the Divine in supernatural form only, and yet he has unfortunately so fettered himself that he would not be capable of recognizing aright what is supernatural, much less would he be able to bear it. Nor is this even necessary at all!

The man who seeks the Will of his God in the Natural Laws of all Creation will soon recognize it therein, and finally realize that the Divine can come to him only on the paths of these adamantine laws, not otherwise. As a result such a person will become vigilant and will carefully scrutinize everything he meets on these paths, but only with a view to the Divine Laws and not with regard to human opinions. Thus he will recognize at the right hour Him Who brings liberation in the Word. Through his personal examination of what is brought, and not through the clamor of the masses.

It will have occurred already to every thinking person that the Son of God and the Son of Man cannot be one! The difference is quite clearly expressed in the words themselves.

During His mission and incarnation on earth, the pure Divinity of the Son of God bore within It, precisely because of its pure Divine nature, the precondition and inevitable necessity of reuniting with Divinity. In the natural order of things there is simply no other possibility. This is also confirmed by the Son of God Himself when He referred to His “Becoming One with the Father” and His “being reunited with the Father.” For this reason the Son of God’s Mission as Mediator between the Godhead and Creation could only last a limited time. The Son of God who, being purely Divine, absolutely must, through the power of attraction of the stronger homogeneity, be drawn back to His Divine origin where He is forced to remain, after discarding anything adhering to Him which is not Divine. Therefore He could not remain the eternal Mediator between the Godhead and the Creation with mankind. Thus, through the reunion of the Son of God and the Father, a new chasm would have arisen, and the Mediator between pure Divinity and Creation would again have been missing. The Son of God Himself proclaimed to mankind the Coming of the Son of Man, Who will then remain the eternal Mediator between the Divine and Creation. This expresses the sublime love of the Creator for His Creation.

The difference between the Son of Man and the Son of God is that, though born out of the purely Divine, the Son of Man was at the same time connected with the Sphere of Conscious Spiritual Substantiality, so that it is as if He stands simultaneously with one foot in the Divine and with the other in the highest part of Conscious Spiritual Substantiality. He is a part of each, and thus forms the eternal bridge between the Divine and the summit of Creation. This connection, however, involves the imperative of remaining separated from the pure Divine, yet in spite of this, permits, even requires admittance to Divinity.

The spiritual adjunct to the Divine merely prevents a reunion which would otherwise be unavoidable. Mankind will hardly ever grasp the fact that this is another sacrifice of love on the part of the Creator, and the fulfillment of a promise of such magnitude as only God Himself is capable of giving and fulfilling. That is the difference between the Son of God and the Son of Man. This also provides the justification for the designation of Son of Man; for in Him a twin-birth occurred, one part as Son from the Divine, and the other part as Son from the Conscious Spiritual, in whose unconscious outermost edges the germ of the human spirit has its origin.

The Mission of the Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the Mission of the Son of God, since the Mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one. Hence in the continuation and completion it is at the same time a reinforcement of Christ’s mission.

Whereas the Son of God was born directly into His earthly Mission, the Son of Man had to traverse a far wider sphere before He could enter into the beginning of His actual Mission. As a condition for the fulfillment of His task, which in comparison to that of the Son of God was more earthly, the Son of Man, coming as He did from the highest Heights, also had to descend into the deepest depths. Not only in the beyond but also here on earth, so that He might personally “experience” all the misery and suffering of mankind. Only then will He be in the position, when His Hour comes, to intervene effectively in their shortcomings and help to bring about change. For this reason He could not stand aside from the experiences of mankind, but through experiencing the bitter aspects Himself, He had to stand in the midst of them and suffer from them. Again, it was only for the sake of men that His learning period had to be like this. But people will try to blame Him for just this in order to make His task more difficult, just as they did with Jesus in His time, since such high guidance remains incomprehensible to the human spirit in its narrowness which allows it to judge by external appearances only. Just what He had to suffer for the sake of men in order to recognize the weakest points in their errors, that is, what He suffered or came to know through His own experiences in the interests of the future welfare of mankind, they will wish to use as stones to throw at Him when their rising hatred is inflamed by the Darkness as it trembles in fear of annihilation.

It is not difficult to explain that something so incredible can happen again in spite of the events during the Son of God’s time on earth, because in reality more than half of the present inhabitants of the earth do not belong here at all but should be maturing in much lower and darker regions! The reason for this lies only in a persistent psychic regression, caused by the dominance of the slaves of their own tool, i.e., the limited intellect. As an exclusive ruler the limited intellect will, because it is merely earthly, always promote everything material and thereby will also cultivate all the accompanying evil side effects. The resulting decline of higher comprehension created a breach, and stretched out a hand downwards, whereby, souls which could otherwise have never come to the surface of the earth owing to their spiritual gravity caused by the density of the darkness, were able to hoist themselves up for incarnations. Most of all, though, it is a matter of the purely animalistic sensations accompanying procreation, as well as the general striving for earthy pleasures, which in this time of moral deprivation which has lasted for centuries already, has enabled inferior souls to rise. These souls then constantly circle round expectant mothers, and, given an opportunity, they incarnate, because up until now all that is light has voluntarily retreated from what is dark in order to avoid becoming soiled.

So it gradually became possible for the ethereal environment of the earth to grow ever denser and darker and thus heavier, so heavy in fact that it even keeps the gross material earth itself from a course that would make it more accessible to higher spiritual influences. As the majority of all incarnated souls actually belong to regions that lie much lower than the earth itself, it will therefore be but Divine Justice if such souls are swept away and sink back to where they properly belong; to the region where, due to their absolute homogeneity, they have no further opportunity to burden themselves with new guilt; consequently they are better able to mature toward an ascending change through the suffering in their spheres.

It is not up to human will to someday elect the Son of Man sent by God, but the Power of God will uplift Him at the hour when a helpless, whimpering mankind begs for deliverance. Then all blasphemy will cease, because horror will silence these mouths, and they will accept willingly all the gifts the Creator offers His creatures through Him. But he who will not accept them from Him shall be cast out for all eternity.

Grail Message by Abdrushin


[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
