In the Light of Truth

Grail Message by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

85. And a thousand years are as one day!

Who among mankind has even grasped the meaning of these words, in what church are they interpreted aright? In many cases they are merely taken as a conception of life without time. But there is nothing in Creation which is not limited in time and space. The very meaning of the word Creation must contradict such a conception, for what is created is a work, and every work has a limit. And whatever is limited is not space-less. And whatever is not space-less cannot be timeless.

There are various worlds of different species where human spirits dwell according to their spiritual maturity. These worlds are more or less dense, closer or more remote from Paradise. The more remote they are the denser and thus heavier they are.

The conception of time and space becomes narrower as density increases, as substance becomes more solid in the World of Matter, and as the distance from the Spiritual Realm increases. The earth belongs to that part of the World that ranks second in density. Thus there is still another World part that is even denser, therefore even more narrowly limited in the time- and space concept.

The different conception of time and space arises from the more or less elastic ability of man's brain to absorb experiences, which in turn is adapted to the density of his environment, i.e., to the nature of the world in which his body dwells. Thus we must speak of different conceptions of time and space in the different parts of the World.

There are World parts which are situated much nearer to Paradise, i.e. the pure-spiritual world-part, than is the part to which the earth belongs. Those closer parts are of a different kind of materiality, which is lighter and less solid. Consequently they provide the possibility of expanded, fully conscious experiencing. Here we call it day-conscious experiencing.

The worlds of matter which are of a different nature belong to fine gross matter, as well as to coarse fine matter, and also to pure fine matter while we at present live in the world of absolute Gross Matter. The more rarefied matter is, the more permeable it is. The more permeable a species of matter is, the wider and more expanded is the field of possibilities for conscious experiencing or, let us call it the impressionability for the human spirit dwelling in the body.

In a coarser and denser body, with its correspondingly denser brain as a transit point for external happenings, the human spirit living therein is naturally more firmly segregated, closed off, or walled in, than in a more permeable and less dense species of matter. Therefore in the denser medium it can only perceive inwardly or be impressed by happenings on a more limited scale.

The less dense a species of matter is, the lighter and higher it will naturally be, and it will also be more translucent and therefore brighter. The nearer it is situated to Paradise, due to its lightness, the more luminous and sunny it will be, for it permits the radiations issuing from Paradise to pass through.

The more a human spirit from out of its body, and due to a lighter, less dense environment receives the possibility of sensing real life, the more it will be able to experience inwardly, so that in the time of one earth-day it can absorb far more experiences in its particular environment than can an earth-man with his denser brain in his heavier and more solid surroundings. According to the nature of the permeability, i.e., according to the lighter, more luminous nature of its environment, a human spirit is able, through easier absorption, to experience in the time of one earth-day as much as in the time of one earth-year, in the Spiritual Realm itself, it can experience in the time of one earth-day as much as in a thousand earth-years!

Thus the saying: “There, a thousand years are as one day.Hence in the wealth of experiences, which increases with the growing maturity of the human spirit.

Man can best picture this if he thinks of his dreams! In a dream lasting a single minute of earth-time he is often able to perceive, to really experience in his spirit, an entire lifetime! He lives through the happiest as well as the most painful things, he laughs and weeps and experiences his ageing, yet he has used the time of only a single minute. In his earth-life the same experiencing would consume many decades, because the time and space of earthly experiencing are too narrowly restricted, as a result of which each single stage advances more slowly. Man on earth can experience so rapidly only in his dreams, since during sleep the fetter of his brain has been partially removed from the spirit, while in the more luminous World parts, he always stands in this vivid and rapid experiencing as no longer fettered, and later as a completely free spirit. For the actual experiencing of a thousand earth-years he needs no more time than one day!

Grail Message by Abdrushin


[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
