In the Light of Truth

Grail Message by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

The tenth Commandment
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his!

He who seeks to make a profit through honest work and honest business dealing can look forward calmly to the proclamation of this Commandment during the Great Reckoning, for it will pass him by without striking him a blow. Actually it is so easy to fulfill all the Commandments, and yet... just look at all men in the right way, and soon you will come to recognize that even this Commandment, the keeping of which should really be quite natural for man,... is not kept, or only very seldom, and then not joyfully, but only with much effort.

It is as though an unquenchable desire races over all men, white, yellow, brown, black or red, to envy his fellow-creatures for what he himself does not possess. Better expressed: to envy him everything! This envy already contains the forbidden coveting! Transgression of the Commandment is thus already complete, and becomes the root of many evils that cause man’s rapid downfall, from which he frequently never rises again.

The average man, strange to say, rarely values what he calls his own, but always only that which he does not yet possess. The Darkness assiduously sowed greed, and the human souls, alas, yielded only too willingly, so as to prepare the most fertile soil for the woeful seed. Thus, in time, coveting the possessions, of others became the basis of all activity of the majority of mankind. Starting with simple wishing, through cunning and the power of persuasion, finally intensifying to the boundless envy of continual discontent, and even to blind hatred.

Any and every means of gratification was recognized as perfectly fair, provided it did not conflict too flagrantly with earthly law. In the growing greed for possessions, God’s Commandment remained unheeded! Every man considered himself really honorable as long as he was not called to account by an earthly court. To avoid such accountability however, cost him no great effort, for he used utmost caution and keenest intellectual cleverness when it was his intention to damage his fellow-men ruthlessly, and when it became necessary in order to obtain some cheap advantage for himself. It did not occur to him that, in reality, this cost him far more dearly than all earthly goods could ever benefit him! So-called cleverness trumped everything! But cleverness according to present-day concepts is in itself nothing more than the blossom of cunning, or an escalation of it. It only remains strange that everyone meets the cunning man with distrust, but the clever man with respect! The general basic attitude brings out the absurdity. The cunning man is an amateur in the skill of gratifying his desire, while intellectually clever people have become masters of it. The bungler cannot clothe his intentions in attractive forms, earning only pitying contempt. Whereas to the adept there flows the most envious admiration from those souls who indulge in the same proclivity! There is envy here also, because on the soil of present-day humanity even admiration for the same kind cannot be without envy. Men do not know this powerful motivator for the many evils; they no longer even realize that this envy in many different forms controls and guides all their thoughts and actions at the present time! It is rooted in the individual as well as in entire peoples; nations are guided by it; it causes wars as well as factions, and unending strife, even where only two people have to confer about something!

Where is there obedience to the Tenth Commandment of God one would wish to call out warningly to the nations! With merciless greed each one of the earthly states strives to gain only what the other possesses! They shrink neither from individual murder nor from mass murder, nor from enslaving entire peoples, only in order to raise themselves to greatness thereby. The fine speeches about self-preservation or self-defense are only cowardly excuses, made because they themselves feel distinctly that something must be said in order to somewhat mitigate or excuse these monstrous crimes against the Commandments of God!

But it avails them nothing; for inexorable is the stylus that engraves disobedience to the Commandments of God in the Book of the World Happening; un-breakable are the threads of karma which thereby attach themselves to each individual, so that not even the slightest stirring of his thoughts and deeds can be lost without being atoned for!

He who is able to survey all these threads will see the terrible Judgment that has now been brought on! Confusion and the collapse of what has been built up until now are only the first mild consequences of this most shameful of the violations of the Tenth Commandment of God! No one can show you mercy when the full effect henceforth increasingly begins to overwhelm you. You have not deserved otherwise. It will bring only that which you have forced upon yourselves!

Tear the ignoble coveting completely out of your soul! Consider that a state, too, is only made up of individuals! Eschew all envy and hatred towards those people who in your opinion possess much more than you yourselves! Indeed, there is a reason for it! But the full blame for your inability to recognize that reason is yours alone, in that you have voluntarily forced upon yourselves the enormous limitation of your ability to comprehend, which was not willed by God, and which was bound to appear as the consequence of your wretched adulation of the intellect!

He, who in the new Kingdom of God here on earth will not be content with the position allotted to him through the effects of his own self-woven threads of Karma, he is not worthy of being given therewith the opportunity to atone with comparative ease for old burdens of guilt clinging to him, and at the same time also to mature spiritually, so as to find the way upwards to the home of all free spirits, where only light and joy reign!

In the future, every malcontent will be relentlessly snatched away, as a useless disturber of the longed-for peace, as a hindrance to healthy ascent! But if there is a kernel of good still within him, which guarantees a speedy transformation, then he will remain subjugated by a new earthly law, for his own good and for his last salvation, until the recognition about the absolute rightness of the wise Will of God arises in him; right-ness for him also, who only out of the short-sightedness of his soul and out of self-willed stupidity could not recognize that the bed in which he now lives on earth is solely of his own making, as the absolute consequence of his entire existence hitherto, of several lives in the beyond as well as on earth, not the blind result of arbitrary chance! Then he will at last recognize the only thing he needs for himself is precisely what he experiences and where he stands, also the circumstances into which he was born and everything connected with them!

If he works diligently on himself he will rise up not only spiritually, but in the earthly sense as well. However, if he defiantly wants to force a different path for himself, ruthlessly and to the detriment of his fellowmen, then this can never serve him to his true advantage.

He cannot say that the proper recognition of the Commandment shall and must be given him by God so that he can comply and change himself! It is only presumption and a new sin if he first expects or even demands proof of the error of his view, so that, convinced of the contrary, he can believe! It is he and he alone who made recognition totally impossible, who left the right path on which he stood at the beginning! The possibilities for recognition were already given to him by God for the path which he had asked to be allowed to walk! Now that he has, with evil willfulness, badly buried them, how dare he expect God to be his servant, and open this pit again! Childish behavior! It is precisely this presumption, this demand that will make it most difficult for man to atone for the blasphemies thus committed! I say to you: any thief will find it easier to free himself from guilt than will a human soul who dares to expect or to demand that God should redeem him from his own greatest sin by granting him a new gift of recognition! It is just this, which is the gravest burden of sin, which man has loaded upon himself in the most grievous opposition to God's Will!

It will be a hard struggle for the human souls before they are able to free themselves from the habitual transgressions of the Tenth God-Commandment, that is, to effect change in themselves which will at last let them truly live in accordance with it in thought, word and in the deed! But suffering and destruction, here on earth and in the beyond, await all those who are unable to do so!


Grail Message by Abdrushin


[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
