In the Light of Truth

Grail Message by Abdrushin

1stBOOK ◄ ► 2ndBOOK

78. Gender

Many people on earth are sorely troubled by the question of interaction between the two sexes, male and female. The only exceptions are those frivolous persons who will not be disturbed by anything at all. All others, no matter how different they may be, do seek for a solution either openly or quietly within themselves. Fortunately there are many people who are longing for valid guidelines in this matter. Whether they would then heed these guidelines however, remains to be seen. But the fact is that they worry very much about this problem, and many are oppressed by the realization of their ignorance about it.

Some have attempted to resolve this issue or to tie it to the question of marriage; however, no satisfactory basic idea has yet been arrived at, for here as elsewhere the main point is merely that man must know what he is dealing with! Otherwise, he can never come to terms with it. Uneasiness will remain.

From the outset, many people quite frequently confuse the concept of the word “sex”. They take it in a general sense, whereas it actually has a far deeper meaning.

If we wish to obtain a correct picture, we must not be so one-sided as to compress it into definitions which merely serve a purely mundane social order, and which are in many ways absolutely contrary to the Laws of Creation. In such grave matters it is necessary to delve deeply into Creation in order to grasp the basic concept.

We call the concept of female and male simply two different genders or sexes. To the majority of people, however, the word sex is drastically misleading from the beginning since in their thoughts they automatically connect the word sex with procreation. And this is wrong. In the great conception of Creation, the separation of female and male in that sense plays a role only in the outermost and densest gross material part. Not in the principal happenings.

What is a gender-sex? When the spirit-germ issues from the Spiritual Sphere it is genderless/sexless. Nor does any division occur, as is often assumed. Divisions are special exceptions which I will discuss at the end of this lecture. Fundamentally a spirit-germ always remains self-contained. In becoming conscious during its wanderings through Subsequent Creation, i.e., through the self-acting replica of original Creation, as I have mentioned several times already, the spirit-germ takes on, according to its degree of consciousness, the human forms known to us, which are replicas of the images of God, of the First Created Ones.

Here it is the nature of the spirit-germ’s activity which is decisive. Meaning the direction in which such a spirit-germ, in becoming conscious, mainly strives to develop the abilities resting within it, whether in a positive, vigorously driving manner, or in a negative, quietly sustaining way. Wherever its principal desire urges it.

According to its origin it can do both, because a spirit germ contains within itself all capabilities, one like the other, unabridged. It is complete within itself. It only matters which one of these it develops. And in this activity of the spirit-germ, even if it consists at the start of no more than strong desires which increase to an urge, the form shapes itself. That which is positive shapes the male form, and that which is negative the female form. Here masculine and feminine are recognizable already outwardly through their forms. Each is in its form the expression of the nature of the activity which it chooses or desires.

Feminine and masculine therefore have nothing to do with the usual conception of gender-sex but merely indicate the nature of the activity in Creation. It is only in the World of Gross Matter, so familiar to man, that these forms develop the procreative organs which we designate as male and female. Only the physical body, i.e., the earthly body, needs these organs for its procreation.

Thus the nature of the activity in Creation shapes the form of the actual body, male or female, of which the gross material earthly body is again but a coarsely constructed copy.

Hence sexual intercourse is placed on the step where it belongs, that is, on the lowest step in Creation, the gross material step which lies far removed from the Spiritual Sphere.

It is all the more sad, therefore, if a human spirit submits to the yoke of this activity, which is a function of his outermost covering, to such an extent that he becomes a slave to it! And unfortunately this has become so prevalent today that it illustrates how the inestimable and high-ranking spirituality will voluntarily allow itself to be trampled and suppressed under the cover of the coarsest form of matter.

It is understandable that such unnatural activity must end badly. It is unnatural because in the natural order of things, that which is spiritual is the highest in the entire Creation, and harmony can only exist in Creation as long as spirituality, as the highest, holds the dominant position, with all else remaining subordinate to it, even in connection with gross matter here on earth.

I do not especially need to point out what a sad role a man takes who places his spirit under the control of the coarsest material covering. Of a cloak which gains its sensitivity only through the spirit and must lose it again upon being casting the cloak aside; a tool in the hand of the spirit which must be cared for to keep it usable but which must always remain only a controlled tool; for in the order of Creation there is no such thing as communism! Wherever such threatens to creep in collapse will absolutely be the consequence, since such a part has to be expelled as being diseased so that disharmony can find no further access. Through this kind of a collapse reciprocal action repairs such defective parts in Creation.

The spiritual, animistic and ethereal form of the body changes as soon as the spirit-germ changes its activity. If it changes from a negative to a predominantly positive activity, then the female form must change into a male one, and vice versa, for the predominant nature of the activity shapes the form. The transformation of the physical shell, however, cannot follow so quickly. It is not so readily changeable, and is therefore only intended to last for a very short time. Here the change manifests itself in reincarnations, of which in most cases there are many.

Hence it happens that a human spirit quite frequently wanders through its lives on earth alternately in male and female bodies, depending on its changing inner attitude. And this is necessary so that all the capabilities of a spirit germ are developed gradually.

I have already pointed out that the prevalence of the desired activity determines how the form develops, since a spirit germ will not necessarily be active in either an exclusively positive or an exclusively negative way.

The capabilities that are not made use of remain dormant but can be awakened at any time.

If however it happens that a spirit germ does develop all the positive parts then this will have so strong an effect on the negative, undeveloped capabilities, that they may be pushed out and thereby a cast off, resulting in a division. Those parts of a different nature thus cast off are then forced to awaken onto themselves and will naturally, in their wholeness develop the opposite, i.e., the female form. These are divided germs that have to find each other again in order to become a whole. Generally, however, such a process cannot be assumed.

Man’s view of a complementing soul existing for each person is correct as such, but not in the sense of a division having preceded it. A dual soul is something altogether different. I have already emphasized this in my lecture “Marriage.”*(Lecture Nr. 25) The dual soul is merely one that is compatible with another soul. Which means, a soul which has developed just those capabilities which the other soul left dormant. This then results in full complementation, in a united working together of all the capabilities of the spirit, both positive and negative. However, such complementation exists not only once but many times, so that a person seeking a complementation is not limited to merely one other particular human being. He may meet with many during his life on earth, as long as he keeps his intuitive capacity pure and alert.

Thus the conditions for a life of happiness are not nearly so difficult to fulfill as it appears at first glance to those who have only part-knowledge. Happiness is much easier to achieve than many think. Mankind simply needs first to know the laws which rest in Creation. If they live accordingly then they must become happy! At the present time, however, they are far removed from this and therefore, for the time being, those who come closer to the Truth in Creation will have to feel lonely most of the time, which, however, does not make them unhappy, but bears great peace.

Grail Message by Abdrushin


[Grail Message by Abdrushin]  [Resonances to the Grail Message] 
